Friday, January 21, 2011

Thank Cod It's Friday!

I have good news...remember that project from H.E.L.L. I was working on for the last several years of my life? Well, the case has settled. This is very good news, but it also means that all the work that Co-Worker-And-Family-Member-Laurie and I did was for a big fat nothin! Litigation is stoopid!

The lawyer I've been working with, Andrea has been working on this case just about 24/7. Here is her office...I told her all we had to do was light a match and it would all go away.

Now, Andrea is a retired Air Force Colonel so you know she's orderly. Neither Laurie or I wanted to try to clean it up cause Andrea knows exactly where everything is.

I guess it's Day 9 on the First Annual 2011 Imelda Dallmann Archie-Hiker Shoe Challenge.

I've had these for years. Very classic and will never go out of style. That's all I've got to say about that.

This is a Dad weekend, so Poppy and I will go fetch him after work. We're going to take him to Westlake Joe's for drinks and dinner. This is a very old-school place so we're hoping there will be some older ladies there looking for Mr. Right or even better, Mr. Right-Now. Friend and fellow SF native, Jody tells me they break out the piano at the bar. I can't wait to hear a rendition of Mr. Piano Man! Play me a song, Mr. Piano Man...



  1. Where does the name Imelda come from? Your readers would like to know.

    On another note, sometimes I don't want to check your blog becuase I know that once I do, I'll have to wait until the next day for something new to read so I try to put it off for as long as possible.

  2. Imelda R. Marcos (born Imelda Remedios Visitacion Romualdez on July 2, 1929) is a Filipino politician and wife of 10th Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos. Upon the ascension of her husband to political power, she held various positions to the government until 1986. She is the first politician elected as member of the Philippine legislature in three geographical locations (Manila, Leyte, Ilocos Norte). In 2010, she was elected to become a member of the House of Representatives to represent Ilocos Norte's second district. She is sometimes referred to as the Steel Butterfly or the Iron Butterfly. She is often remembered for symbols of the extravagance of her husband's political reign such as her collection of 2700 pairs of shoes.

    I've got a ways to go yet!
