Tuesday, April 5, 2011

'Tis The Season To Be Sneezy...

Fa la la la la, la la la la-tchoo!

I love Spring. I love that everything I've planted has new growth and is waking up from Winter.

Pollen-Poppy hates Spring. Bad things happen to her when all that new growth wakes up. She transforms from being Happy-Go-Lucky-Poppy to Rhinitis-Poppy. Kind of like a superhero only really miserable.

Meet Superhero and Warrior, Samurai-Rhinitis-Poppy:

Here is Samurai-Rhinitis-Poppy's armor against all things blowing in the wind:

First in her line of defense is her trusty box of Kleenex. While it doesn't fight in the War on Seasonal Allergies, it helps keep things from dripping out of her nose all over the front of her Samurai armor.

Two other very important weapons she uses for battle would her Zyrtec and Claritin. These two allergy fighters are interchanged between all four seasons of the War on Seasonal Allergies.

The last weapon of defense is Chlorpheniramine Maleate (try and say that three times fast). This is brought in as a reinforcement to the allergy-fighters Zyrtec and Claritin but can also be used as a sleep aid. That is very important when you've been battling long and hard.

Very early this morning, Samurai-Rhinitis-Poppy went to war. It was a hard-fought battle that lasted from 2:04 to 3:53. With her Chlorphwhatever reinforcement, she was victorious and will live to sneeze another day!

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. i take the one in the middle.
    its my best friend.
