Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's a dog's life...

Not just any dog, either...Jax-The-Cheese-Connesewer's dog life. I was off yesterday pretending to be a stay-at-home-mom. Jax enjoyed having me home.

Here she is helping me write my blog:

Then she helped me do some yard work:

She is one hard working pup!

Today, I'll be taking Dad to his third hearing aid fine-tuning session. This will be the last of those appointments and he'll be at his full bionic ear prescription. After this, I think he goes back every few months. He loves hearing. We love that he can hear. He seems much more content now that he can hear. Now, if he could only see.

After his appointment, we'll head back to the house and I'll start prepping dinner. Making that Nommy pork stew I made a few weeks back.

Guess that's it for now!

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