Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's all about the Germ...

Well, Friend-All-Things-Front-Desk-Family-Member-Laurie has finally succumb to the evil illness. She's got it bad too. Won't see her for the rest of the week.

So I got to thinking about those darn germies and what they must look like. Check out what I found from the Dr. Germs' website. Once you read this, you'll be able to spot those bad germs and the germ fighters. Knowledge is power!

Let's start where bad guys hang out...

Meet Knobie:

The forgotten spreader of germs. He's one of the most common things you come into contact with on a daily basis, and boy, is he germy. Watch out!

How about Toy-Letty:

She's a deceiver. You clean her the most, but she harbors some evil friends. Cal-The-Unmentionable loves to hang out here. Yikes!

And of course, Cannit:

The often-forgotten evil-doer disguises himself as a do-gooder. Auntie Bacterial™ is known to kick a little can and keeps his evil friends at bay. Mmmm hmmm.

Now let's meet some of those bad-boy-n-girl germs...

This dude is bad...Frank N. Germs:

Evil twin of Dr. Germs. Separated at birth, he pursued a fast and dirty crowd of evil-doers. He loves germ-filled places and runs a tight gang of germs and germ carriers bent on spreading their evil. Lives in Germopolis™ with his evil gang and The Germ Gang™. I gits the shivers when I think about him!

Don't even think of messin with Staph "Crazy" Cuss:

A wild and crazy guy. Spreads himself all over the place. Beware!

The despicable, Cal-The-Unmentionable:

He's a dirty one who can be found in the least likely places. He's been known to hang around with the likes of Knobie, Toy-Letty, and other unsavory types. People don't like to speak of him, and this sometimes helps him in his evil quest to infect us. Don't speak his name!

Best stay clear of Sal Monella; if you know what's good for you:

The unofficial leader of the germs, he hangs with the raw gang. Finger lick'n good!

Can't pay me to set eyes on Campy Lobactor:

Sal Monella's girlfriend. A raw kind of girl. She likes to hang around cutting boards with the likes of some of the other raw gang! Her favorite cocktail is bleach on the rocks!

And last, but not least, Eazy-E Coli:

He can be found anywhere, and he's always looking for an easy mark. And I ain't talkin' skidmark!

Are you scared yet? Never fear, cause the good guys are here...

Behold Dr. Germs (hubba hubba):

The lead character and the arch nemesis of Frank N. Germs, his evil twin brother, and his evil gang of germs and germ carriers. He leads the fight to keep the world safe from his brother and his dirty friends. Dr. Germs lives in Cleanerville™.

And his partner in the germ war, Auntie Bacterial:

Dr. Germs best girl and secret weapon in the fight against those who would spread their evil filth throughout the world. She's the ammunition in this war on germs. She's one tough cookie!

But the best germ fighter is our friend, Pro Texus:

Pro Texus. Quick on the draw. Covers up things in a blaze of action. First one on the scene and stays the course, killing germs where least expected. He's got your back!

Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of germs!


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