Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday's Dinner

I think I'm going to start blogging at night. You'll still get the same dinner run-down, just later.

Hey, check out my bitchin new scooter helmet! Yeah, that's barbwire and roses...and it's PINK!!

Hey, how about another exciting episode of KEEPING UP WITH THE KECKY'S! As you know, Poppy and I registered as domestic partners. Well, fancy this...Poppy's bank, USAA, is a bank that anyone can have a checking or savings account, but they also do auto insurance, homo-owners insurance and all kinds of stuff, but to get those benefits, you have to have either served in the military or one of your parents would have had too. Anyway, since Poppy's Dad was career military, she's in.

Check it out, she was talking to them today and reluctantly mentioned that we are RDP's. You just never know about that "don't ask don't tell." They told her that they recognize RDP's in California only and we will be treated as if we are married. That means I get all the wonderful benefits USAA has to offer and will continue to receive them even if Poppy forbid, take the "big sleep." How freakin cool is that?

Since we're now considered husband and wife or wife and wife or husband and husband...that's all a little confusing...I will now refer to my Poppy as "The Oosband."

I have to say, for every low I've been experiencing in the last few weeks, there has been and equal high.

Life is good!

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