Thursday, June 24, 2010

Special Edition...

Since Seester Kathy and I will be hanging with Dad all day tomorrow and I'm staying the night at Seester Kathy's tonight, I won't be checking in with you until Saturday or so. But I wanted to tell you about my lunch hour today...

See, Seester Kathy and I have this thing that once all is said and done with Dad; meaning his house is sold, etc. and Poppy and I are all moved in, Seester Kathy and I are going to have a weekend away. It's either going to be a spa weekend or more likely, a wine weekend. So today at lunchtime I thought we'd start early. You may remember I got new glasses. They're not tinted like they usually are so you can see I have very "tired" looking eyes so I decided I wanted to get my eyelashes tinted. I asked Seester Kathy if she wanted to do it with me. She did.

I tell ya, our eyes just POP!

Have a great weekend!

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