Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dinnerless Wednesday...

Poppy and I worked the public meeting last night. We are the timekeepers for these meetings, aka, Dingbats. This is some of Poppy's graphical art...

Anyway...what a bunch of angry neighbors and preservationists. I was talking to a co-worker that if these folks put this much time into something positive like volunteering at soup kitchen or something else constructive, the world would be a better place. But then again, Poppy and I probably wouldn't have jobs so I guess I should be grateful for the negative, adult bullies.

So here's the goofy thing about these meetings. Each person is given three minutes to speak. I have these placards that I hold up like a bikini'd-beauty at a boxing match; at the two minute mark I hold up:

At two minutes-thirty, I hold up:

And finally...

Then after another agonizing fifteen seconds, Poppy dings the bell. Then if the rude commentor doesn't shut the pie-hole, the Chairwoman of our Board gets feisty.

We had a meeting once where this guy wouldn't shuddup so one of our Event Staff, Tony...who is not small, grabbed the mic from the guy. It was awesome. Such children!

One lady described us as Toontown. A teenager from the high school on the Presidio got up and said she didn't think a hotel should be on the Presidio cause they'd have to look at it. But what they stare at now is our building, which is the ugliest building in the Presidio. She thought that only historic things should be built here...Kind of cute, but not really.

Nobody likes us, everybody hates us, I'm gonna eat some worms!

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