Sunday, September 11, 2011

Those Padrons....


After the padrons, I thought a BLT salad sounded good, so I made it!

It was so good, I'm going to make it for lunch today!

Tonight, Guinness Irish Stew. Because we're low-carbing it, I will put potatoes on the side. We can have them as a treat tonight, but not during the rest of the leftovers.

Say, check out my pumpkin!

The plant is from a start that Bro-N-Law-D-Man gave us. I guess we don't get any sort of pollinating creatures cause every time I got a pumpkin, it would then shrivel up and die. Netty-Mae told me I had to help the flowers have sex, so I did. Where's my cigarettes? Anyway, now I have a baby pumpkin.

Weekend has been pretty quiet so far. Trip-The-Light-Fantastic-Poppy and I went to Treasure Island last night for the Best Buck In The Bay Country Western Dance. We had fun, but they have way too much of that line dancing junk. I hate line dancing. Reminds me of the Aerobics classes of the '80's. Like I said to Poppy last night, why would people willingly go out there and look stupid? Oh fine, it's just me that thinks they looks stupid which is why I wouldn't do it! But, it was very fun people watching. We rode our scooters there too. Pretty fun taking them on the freeway...sort of.


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