Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Typhoid Fatass...

Yep, home in bed with a raging sore throat.  Wonder who gave it to me?  I told Germaphobe-Poppy I must have licked on too may doorknobs.  Good news, Fatass doesn't have much of an appetite so she's losing more weight!

Anyway, we had some friends over on Saturday for dinner and a movie.  Not just any friends, these are Zombie obsessed friends.  We watched 28 Days and then 28 Weeks.  Although, we really didn't watch them cause we were all talking too much.  So, when the Zombies attack, make sure you get to Kasa Kecky cause we've got it all figured out!

I made my chili:

And Innovative-Zombie-Lovin-Poppy made a coconut-rum brain jell-o mold complete with cranberry bullet holes!

Crappy picture.  Anyway, I went to put the leftover brain away and it slid right off the plate, into the sink and right down the drain.  I didn't break the new to Never-Throw-Food-Away-Poppy until the next morning.  Lucky for me, she thought it was funny.

I've been spending some time in the kitchen this weekend too.  I find that if we can stock up on food for the week, it makes it so easy for lunches.  Let's see what I did...

Sunday, we had a Caprese salad for a snack.  Heirloom tomatoes made all the difference.

Then I decided we'd try some turkey since I'm getting tired of beef and chicken.  I did my turkey ala NOM NOM Chicken but also rubbed some poultry spice on it.  Twas very NOMMY.

Then yesterday, once out of my sick bed, I had a craving for some bolognese sauce.  We had a chub of Italian sausage in the fridge.  So that's what I did...served it over spaghetti squash.  Another NOMMY dinner.

I'm afraid tonight the kitchen is closed due to illness.  I think Poppy will be fixing me some grub.

Time for more chicken broth.


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