Monday, May 28, 2012

So what's all the hub-bub around the food truck scene?

I've eaten from at least 5 food trucks between San Francisco and Hawaii and I just don't get it.  None of it was "great".  Some of it was "okay" and some of it left me feeling nauseous for most of the next day.  Is it a foodie thing?  Do folks normally eat crappy food so this is good?  I can't imagine.  I was telling Seester about it and said if she put her lasagna and chicken-n-dumplings on a food truck, she's be a millionaire!  But then I think maybe I'm such a neophyte cook that I don't know what great food is.  Could that be?  Probably since I think everything tastes better if there is cottage cheese on top of it.

I didn't cook at all this weekend since we spent most of our time taking in the Golden Gate Bridge birthday festivities.  I hate crowds.  I don't really like people in general...except for most of the ones I know.  So, I don't know why I do this to myself.  It makes me cranky and in turn makes Normally-Patient-Poppy cranky; I tend to whine the hole time.

Fortunately for me it was hurricane force winds down on Crissy Field and Allergy-Poppy got all drippy so we got to go home.  Well, we didn't go home, we went to the Riptide and saw a band...but then I got cranky again and we went home and ordered Chinese from Hong's.  Salt-N-Pepper Pork Chop!!

This morning I had some leftover stew and decided to make what I called "Gringo Huevos Rancheros".  Pretty freakin NOM too!

Well, that's all I got.  Been a great weekend, except for that crowd stuff and a mild case of bad pork bun poisoning...


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