Sunday, April 17, 2011

BIG BIG Kasa Kecky Weekend!

We got all that wood so now it's time to build the fence. But first let's start with the dinnah on Friday.

Seester has the Soprano's cookbook. So on Thursday, I was looking through it and found this recipe which translated from Italian to English "Pizzaman's Steak". Of course, I embellished the recipe. Here's what I did:

1 28 ounce can Italian Peeled Tomatoes, drained and chopped
1 15 ounce can fire roasted tomatoes, kinda drained
1/2 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves
Italian seasoning
4 steaks (I couldn't afford the Ribeys to I used Tri Tip)

Cook the steaks in a large skillet until browned on both sides. Salt and pepper them. Then remove them to a platter.

Add the onion and garlic to the pan. Saute for a couple of minutes then add the rest of the goodies.

Simmer it for about 20 minutes...oh, at this time I pour in all those juices that are sitting in in the platter of steaks.

Add the steaks back to the pan and cook until steaks are done.

Served with salad and steamed broccoli. NOM!

Okay, now for the fence. But's my addition to Kecky's Kurb Art:

I call this Stack-O-Melba-Toast:

These Grape Stakes we got last weekend are made from old-growth redwood. Look how nice the wood still is at the cut. Patina-Poppy has been brushing the wood with her foxtail brush; really brings out the rusticness of the wood.

Okay, so here's the progression of the fence. First we had to dig the holes. Okay, that was my job. Poppy was the brains behind the operation. I was the muscle.

Then cutting down the wood for the posts:

Jax-The-Unhappy-Cheese-Connesewer really hates this whole project...

She wouldn't get out of the truck for nothing...she wouldn't even eat her cookie. She's much better today.

Power-Saw-Poppy is still cutting wood:

Oh, it takes a lot of beer to build a fence...there are only 2.7 grams of carbohydrate in that beer, by the way!

Then came time to place the posts and fill the holes:

And now the fun part for Particular-Poppy; placing the rails. She's been out there for over an hour this morning making them just so...

All that's left to do now is get some bailing wire and secure all the connections.

Here's the finished fence and one happy Poppy!

Another project success at Kasa Kecky!

Have a great week!

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